
Starting with Sponsored Display

If you're new to advertising on, starting with Sponsored Display can be a great way to get your feet wet. This advertising format allows you to target potential customers based on their interests and behaviors, and can be a great way to increase visibility and sales for your products. In this blog, we'll discuss some tips for getting started with Sponsored Display, including choosing the right keywords, creating effective creatives, and adapting learnings from other advertising formats.

One important aspect of setting up a successful Sponsored Display campaign is choosing the right keywords. Unlike Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, which allow you to bid on specific keywords, Sponsored Display allows you to target audiences based on their interests and behaviors. You can select from a range of audience segments, including interests, categories, and behaviors, to target potential customers who are likely to be interested in your products.

When it comes to creating effective creatives for your Sponsored Display campaign, it's important to keep in mind that these ads will be shown to potential customers who may not be actively searching for your products. As a result, your creatives should be eye-catching and attention-grabbing, with clear messaging that highlights the benefits of your products. You can use a variety of creative formats, including static and animated images, as well as videos, to capture the attention of potential customers.

One advantage of starting with Sponsored Display is that you can adapt learnings from your Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands campaigns. For example, if you have found that certain keywords or creatives perform particularly well for your Sponsored Products campaigns, you can use this information to inform your targeting and creative choices for your Sponsored Display campaign. Similarly, if you have found that certain audience segments perform well for your Sponsored Brands campaigns, you can target these same segments in your Sponsored Display campaigns.

Another important consideration when setting up your Sponsored Display campaign is the funnel positioning of this advertising format compared to Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands. While Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands are typically used to target customers who are actively searching for products, Sponsored Display is better suited for targeting customers who are at the top of the funnel and may not yet be actively considering a purchase. As a result, your messaging and creatives should focus on introducing your brand and products to potential customers, rather than on driving immediate conversions.

In summary, Sponsored Display can be a great way to get started with advertising on, allowing you to target potential customers based on their interests and behaviors. To set up a successful campaign, it's important to choose the right keywords and creatives, and to adapt learnings from your other advertising formats. Additionally, it's important to keep in mind the funnel positioning of Sponsored Display compared to Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, and to focus on introducing your brand and products to potential customers at the top of the funnel. With these tips in mind, you'll be on your way to driving increased visibility and sales for your products on